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2017-01-30 17:02:49

1-2月最美旅行时间表 用旅行绚丽开启你的2017吧!

1-2月最美旅行时间表 用旅行绚丽开启你的2017吧! 地铁里拖着疲惫身体的你,是否曾体验到生活的不易?说好的诗与远方,为什么只有单身和加班?从天南到地北,从春夏到秋冬, 小三通,别人总有故事和酒,和你从未体验过的...

2016-02-19 10:07:27


  1。淨化空調系統的調試和試運風管工程轉,應在潔淨室(區)建築裝飾裝修驗收油煙處理合格和各種管線吹掃及試壓等工序完成,空調設備單機試車正常,系統聯動完成,風量、壓差平衡完畢之後進行。   2。淨化空...

2016-02-19 10:05:44

PIC/S 規劃設計-變頻器的日常檢查和維護注意事項

  變頻器定期檢查時要切斷電源,沖壓加工停止變頻器運行,並卸下變頻器的外蓋。主要檢查不停止運轉而無法檢查的地方或日常檢查難以發現問題的地方,以及電氣特性的檢查、調整等。   變頻器斷電後,主電路濾波...

2016-02-19 10:03:59


不少准媽媽因爲擔心咖啡因影咖啡豆響寶寶,只能聞聞咖啡香解饞。至于鈣質的吸收代謝方面,1杯沖煮式的咖啡中所含的咖啡因量,可降低4毫克鈣質的吸收,而此量可由1~2茶匙的牛奶輕易的補足。 孕期能喝咖啡嗎? 不...

2016-02-19 10:01:17



2015-08-18 09:40:24



2015-08-18 09:37:51


近日,中國癌症基金會提出了“遠離抗癌癌症十二條”黃金法則,你看看能做到幾條。 1。遠離癌症,切勿吸煙或咀嚼任何煙草類産品。 戒煙永不怕遲,你的健康會馬上得到改善。戒煙20分鍾:升高的血壓降到...

2015-05-18 11:30:35

Die casting-High Pressure Die Casting Overview

Features of HighDie casting Pressure High pressurezinc die casting Die casting is a versatile production process, during which the molten metal is injected by a die casting machine under consid...

2015-05-18 11:25:48

Rubber Gasket-The Heroics Of The Oft Forgotten O-ring

The o-ring, a tyRubber Gasketpically toroidal device, is the functionalRubber Parts element that ensures the tightness between two bodies。 Such a device is a ring of an elastic material that i...

2015-05-18 11:23:00

digital signage-Frp Industrial Blower Fan

All polyesters aIP66nd vinyl esters are corrosion resistant to some degree。Industrial process applications involve a wide variety of corrosive gas streams。 Selecting the best materials of constr...

2015-05-18 11:19:00

sintered metal-Titanium Metal Powder

Have you ever thpowder metalought about that how a heavy aircraft can flysintered metal high in the air without falling to the ground? Which metal they are made from that enables them to fly takin...

2015-01-31 11:01:30

Rubber Tubings and Silicone Rubber Gasket

Silicone Rubber Rubber SealTubingsSuresh Enterprise has manufactured a huge range of rubber tubing for use in a wide variety of applications。 We are major suppliers to the food & dairy indu...

2015-01-31 10:56:37

All in one computer-Bakery Cake Boxes Printing

These days, whetIP66her it´s eatables or jewellery, textile or television- everything occurs packed in boxes。 The labels boxes include the most pivotal link within ensuring your products or ...

2015-01-31 10:53:27

sintered metal-Metal Clad Garage Doors

Two of the most powder metalcommon materials for garage doors are wood and steel。 However, when shopping for garage doors, you may find yourself thinking that wooden ones require more mainten...

2014-11-07 11:15:01

All in one computer-The Panel Interview

What is a panel sunlight readableinterview? The panel interview is defined as a group of people which interviews one person at a time。 The panel of people could also interview a panel or group ...

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