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2012-04-01 15:44:21| 人氣70| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Living by the 5 Reiki Principles

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"Just For Today" as a reminder to 'be' and 'live' in the present moment, unaffected by things past, or what may come to be; just 'now'.


The 5 Reiki Principles

"Just For Today"  let go of Worry.
只為今天, 放手擔憂

"Just For Today"  let go of Anger.
只為今天, 放手的憤怒

"Just For Today"  respect your Parents, Teachers, and Elders.

"Just For Today"  earn your living honestly.

"Just For Today" be grateful to all living things, and for your many blessings.

台長: Oreo ♥
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: Today's Richer Life Tip ♥ |
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