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Why Global Investors will be Concerned about Hong Kong?

Why Global Investors will be Concerned about Hong Kong?

Hong Kong is the third international financial center on the world, so that attracts many global investors to conduct business in Hong Kong.

Global financial operates 24-hour 
The geographical position of Hong Kong makes up for the time difference of the two major international financial center in the Western Hemisphere in London and the Eastern Hemisphere New York, to ensure that the global financial industry operates 24-hour.

Special political and geopolitical relations of Hong Kong are the forefront development of Shenzhen and major cities in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) of China, which take good supporting and extending for its financial sector.

Social stability of Hong Kong provides a good environment for the healthy development of the financial sector. Investors set up companies or offices in Hong Kong to conduct business, do not have to worry about the time difference from the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, but also can get a variety of financial services under the fair legal environment of Hong Kong, and get the trust and recognition of the international industry.

Highly opened financial services derivative multi-class financial markets
Hong Kong has a high degree of openness, no exchange controls, freedom of movement of capital in and out, freely convertible currency, adapting for the active and large amounts of international capital flows, so that attracted banks and other financial institutions around the world to station and carry out deposits and loans, foreign exchange, investment and financial advisory and other financial services.

Currently, there are more than 150 licensed banks in Hong Kong, nearly hundreds of foreign banks to set up a representative office in Hong Kong, available 24 hours per day with the rest of the world foreign exchange trading, foreign exchange market turnover row 6 in the world.

Hong Kong also formed a variety of financial markets, including certificates of deposit, the Exchange Fund bills, commercial paper, equities, foreign exchange, futures, gold and so on provide multi-channel, multi-level, international financial services for enterprise development. In the same time, variety professional service facilities including financial accounting, auditing, legal, assessment, intermediaries, public relations improve the level of financial services in Hong Kong to better serve the global enterprise.

Offshore financial center for RMB increase investment opportunities
With the accelerating pace of internationalization of the RMB, the opportunities and potential increased with the outbreak. At present, the rapid development of offshore RMB business in Hong Kong is expected to maintain strong growth in RMB deposits, cross-border trade settlement and bond issuance in the future. The ongoing development of RMB business in Hong Kong licensed bank, stationed in and seize the opportunities of Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland market to more investors.

If you need more information on Hong Kong Company FormationIPO in Hong KongTrademark Registration,Hong Kong Tax and Corporate Finance, etc, welcome to contact with Conpak CPA Limited http://www.conpak.com.
Tags:company formation,trademark registration

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