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2005-10-12 11:27:44| 人氣122| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The surgery

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The surgery went well. They took only 2 sentinel lymph nodes and found they were clean so they didn’t take more but they will send the lymph nodes to do more test to be sure.

The doctor took the tissue with the lump out and we will wait until probably next Monday for the result (maybe I don’t have cancer at all? I read the yahoo article about the misreading for cancer today..).

I may still need chemo or hormone treatment to prevent its recurrences (since I am under 50) though..

The surgery went from 9:40 to 11:40 and I went home around 4pm, very weak, vomited few times and couldn’t eat much.

I don’t feel pain at wound and I am almost totally back to normal life today, thanks to many people praying for me constantly.

I got so many supports, so much love pouring upon me, thanks God.

I shall relax since I know WHO IS IN CHARGE OF TOMORROW!

台長: Mercy
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