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2004-09-13 14:38:40| 人氣301| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Adam's Rule

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2004 / 09 / 13
心情指數: 星情壞壞
心  情: 想悠閒的過一天,卻無法如你所願,讓你非常沮喪
愛  情: 精心安排的約會,結果卻不如想像中甜美。
財  運: 猶豫了好久才下手買的東西,回家就後悔了。
工  作: 一件事情逼的你不得不講些場面話來應付。

Last night I went to Doghouse by myself. I was just trying to get away from being alone at home on Saturday night, and it turned out to be a really good workout for me. I had a good sleep after dancing all night.

Today was just like any other beautiful Sunday. Thanks Harold, for the first time I joined the lunch group in the park after the dance. One thing I feel very comfort about LitP is that literally everyone I’ve seen is very friendly, especially to beginners. Randy told me the secret of it: Adam rule. It means inviting 5 new faces to dance every Sunday. It reminds me about my first dance in the park, and I was so bad and nervous at that time. And I also remember my first dance with Randy, and he was so amazing that I felt I could manage it well. There is always this arguing about dancing with beginners, and I believe the key of LitP to attract people is to draw no boundaries.

台長: 苑苑
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