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Path of Exile Betrayal New System Atlas Objectives

All through Path of Exile: Betrayal, you may encounter Masters from the new roster randomly in regions you discover. Einhar, Alva and Niko's content and exactly where they are introduced was explained within this previous post. 

Once you reach endgame maps, there's a one-third possibility of acquiring a random Master in each and every map, from the set of Einhar, Alva, Niko and Zana. Jun is in every single location in Betrayal league, throughout the primary game and endgame. 
The Atlas of Worlds is Path of Exile's end-game map system. The Atlas is a series of linked maps that players can progress through after completing a quest for Zana, Master Cartographer.The Atlas of Worlds is a visualization of the dream worlds that are opened by activating maps, how these worlds are linked and the way they progress towards the centre. The Atlas is separated in four quadrants which can be entered through a tier 1 map, one in each corner of the Atlas. These tier 1 maps start dropping in Act 8. When the player progresses through the maps, their tiers - and difficulty - will increase.
The Atlas also displays areas influenced by the Shaper and the Elder, which have a chance to drop Shaper or Elder items which have their own unique affixes. When the Elder zone grows large enough, 5 maps in the Elder-influenced area will have the Elder and the Elder Guardians replacing the bosses.
To replace everyday missions, we've added a new method called Atlas Objectives. They are markers around the Atlas of Worlds that show that a particular Master is in that map and accessible to do a mission with you. These repopulate every day just like each day missions did prior to. 

In addition to encountering masters randomly and getting Atlas Objectives seem every single day, the Atlas Objectives also possess a likelihood to become generated once you full a map. Note, if an Atlas Objective is added for any certain Master and you nevertheless have an uncompleted a single for that Master in your Atlas, then the existing one is moved towards the new place. 
The map tier that Atlas Objectives spawn at is loosely based on the last map you've got run within the league. 
This Atlas Objectives program is made to reward both players who consistently play everyday, but in addition players who just play a lot of Path of Exile. When combined with other strategies of encountering Master content (such as Prophecies, Sextants and Scarabs), you are going to have lots of possibilities to heavily engage in Bestiary, Incursion, Delve and Zana content if you need to!
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