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2005-03-01 22:04:05| 人氣24| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

the girl from ipanema

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今個weekend好開心,因為short week,星期六又好早起左身(10am),已經好似賺左半日咁啦! 之後好悠閒咁係屋企食lunch,睇港樂杜麗莎concert,發現原來有首歌好好聽! The Girl from Ipanema,即刻上網搵。呢d咁舊既jazz,好多人唱過,結果搵到成8個版本,有男人唱有女人唱,好得意,有d仲係唱唔知乜野文既,都好好聽,種感覺係去左另一個國家既沙灘咁 :p

今日本來係二月份莊聚,不過臨時都係去唔到… 係我第一次缺席莊聚呀… 希望冇下次啦

Tall and tan and young and handsome
The boy from ipanema goes walking
And when he passes each girl, he passes goes - ah

When he walks, he’s like a samba
That swings so cool and sways so gentle
That when he passes each girl, he passes goes - ooh

Oh… but I watch him so sadly
How can I tell him I love him
Yes I would give my heart gladly
But each day, when he walks to the sea
He looks straight ahead, not at me

Tall and tan and young and handsome
The boy from ipanema goes walking
And when he passes, I smile - but he doesn’t see

台長: 米雪
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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