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2003-11-03 12:58:28| 人氣6| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Email sick

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Do you have the kind of habit?

Every morning, You walk into office, turn on your
computer and receive emails; Every evening, before
sleep, you turn on you notebook again and check you

What's your feeling, if email is lesser than you
expect? What's your reaction, if there were some
emails come out of your expection.

For me, email is a kind of magic. I could communicate
easier with many friends who never met in net. It's
little bit difficult to me to chat with stranger
easier in reality. That's why I don't much expect to
meet you. If you had better choice, I will be happy
for you.

And I found, if there is no email for me, I got some
kinds of email sick.

Seems I become as slever of email.

台長: 羅望
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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