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2008-04-29 11:37:15| 人氣286| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

How long - Eagles

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為了這張相隔 28 年的新專輯《Long Road Out Of Eden》,我在發行首日窩在唱片行等待廠商鋪貨而東搖西晃了二個多小時,店長看我對西洋音樂這麼痴情,希望我能夠提昇國家的消費實力,於是為我介紹好多他口中的精典 CD 名盤,結果…我…很…對不起他…因為我只是想拿到 eagles 的限量海報~~~



如果能夠將過往細心收藏,如果能夠擴大生命視野、如果能夠抬起頭、往前看,看得夠高、夠遠,或許就能掌控自己的未來 ~~^^


How long - Eagles

Like a bluebird with his heart removed 像隻心被掏空的青鳥
Lonely as a train 就像寂寞的列車
I’ve run just as far as I can run 我想逃離至世界的盡頭
If I never see the good old days 如果我不曾知道那些美好舊日
Shinin’ in the sun 陽光普照
I’ll be doin’ fine and then some 我想一切都會如常

How long, how long 多長,多久
Woman, will you weep? 女人你要流多久的淚
How long, how long 多長,多久
Rock yourself to sleep 來首搖滾好入夢

I’ve been doin’ time in a lonesome prison 我曾受困寂寞的牢籠
Where the sun don’t shine 那兒沒有溫暖的陽光
And just outside the freedom river runs 但外面河水依然奔流
Out there in that shiny night 夜晚星光依然閃耀
With bloodhounds on your mind 你的思緒像獵犬般敏銳
Don’t you know it’s the same sad situation 你該明白一切都維持著原貌

How long, how long 多長,多久
Woman, will you weep? 女人你要流多久的淚
How long, how long 多長,多久
Rock yourself to sleep 來首搖滾好入夢

Everybody feels alright 每個人都覺得還好
You know, I heard some poor fool sing... 你知道,我曾聽到某個傻子說
(Somebody oooh...)(某個人…)
Everyone is out there on the loose 其實每個人都無所謂
Well, I wish I lived in the land of fools 我希望住在愚人國
Where no one knew my name 那兒沒人知道我的名字
But what you get is not quite what you choose 但人生總是事與願違

Tell me, how long, how long 告訴我,要多長多久
Woman, will you weep? 女人你要流多久的淚
How long, how long 多長,多久
Rock yourself to sleep 來首搖滾好入夢

How long, how long 多長,多久
Muddy river runs so deep 滾滾河流奔騰
How long, how long 多長,多久
Goodnight baby, rock yourself to sleep 晚安寶貝,來首搖滾好入夢
Sleep tight, baby, rock yourself to sleep 好好睡,寶貝,來首搖滾好入夢
Bye, bye, bye, bye bye, baby, rock yourself to sleep 再見了,寶貝,來首搖滾好入夢

台長: angie
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全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: my favorite music |
此分類下一篇:The Last Resort - Eagles
此分類上一篇:waiting in the weeds

2008-04-29 20:38:38
lots of memories...
2008-04-29 21:44:07
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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