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2022-02-24 01:36:25| 人氣15| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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Mohammad Alizadeh Gol

For a few years, you have been calming people, but now you are doing good, you are zooming in on my eyes How many years have you been coming to the other eye, how can I be in love, whatever you say on the eye I separated you from a bunch of flowers, what happened's heart's overnight Say a word, lover, well, say lover, well ... Do not come to your eyes this morning, open your eyes and tell me, well See you on the sofa like a bouquet of leaking flowers ... You who can change my world, hold on tight, do not lose your hands in the darkness of our eyes I swore to your beautiful eyes, I will reach you, your hands are tied to my hands My involuntary and senseless ... I separated you from a bunch of flowers, what happened's heart's overnight Say a word, lover, well, say lover, well ... Do not come to your eyes this morning,open your eyes and tell me, well See you on the sofa like a bouquet of leaking flowers ...

台長: andymandy
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