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2006-08-17 17:05:55| 人氣183| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

self-travel in japan day three

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this word ”harajuku”,i learned it from gwen stenfeni’ album,harajuku girl.i’d never been there before since today.it’s a little bit like our shimen in taipei but with more creative i think.’cuz young men of harajuku create their own style on what they dress and looking or so on.i think that they lead the fasion of whole north asia such as taiwan,hongkong,even korea.

i heard about there is a working house that shows every kind of art in the ally of harajuku.i asked for where it is.a girl helped me to find out.it is in st.harajuku,just two blocks away the entrance of the street.it looks like an apartment building with lots of steel pipes hanging on the outside.you can find it quite easily.when i was going inside,i heard the sound of guitar and someone singing. it is a small room that filled lots of people who was watching a girl playing guitar and singing her
songs.there are about 10(maybe more i am not sure)rooms that shows workings of arts.something like photos,comics,movies,t-shirts,posters,paintings,music....and something strange that i have no idea if it is art.one of the artists told me,they rented a room to present their works.it is totally free to see their workings.and if you like them,just to buy their workings to support them. it is
a quite cool place that represent the creative of the artists in harajuku.well,i’ve heard about a place that is just
familiar like this in paris.some artists live together in an apartment what is factory before.they live there and do their creative working.the government of paris want to build a hospital on the land of the apartment.so they have to fight with the government.that is a long story....

after watching the apartment,i left for daiba.it was suppose to be a fire work yesterday.but it was a big rain yesterday afternoon.it is my fortunate to see the firework.i took ”yurikomome” to daiba as well as yesterday.there was so many people who had sat on the floor and wait for the fire work.i choose a place and sat down.the firework had set till about 7 o’clock.and it was really really beautiful!!丗you could always hear the sound like ”oh!wow!” my god仼i am really lucky i think!

台長: alien
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全站分類: 台灣旅遊(台澎金馬)

哇~花了兩個月的時間我終於看完你這篇遊記了~ mei

玫芬太誇張了 我才花十分鐘就看完了 你相信嗎~teresa
2006-09-24 09:45:03
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