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2003-12-02 15:40:17| 人氣260| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

【同一片星空下】Peaceful Easy Feeling

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I got a peaceful easy feeling
and I know you won't let me down
'cause I'm already standing........ on the ground

「嗨~你喜歡聽 Eagles 啊?你知道嗎,有一段時間,我幾乎每天重複聆聽這首歌 -- Peaceful easy feeling -- 我想,這就是我終其一生在尋找的感覺吧。」

「這首歌很有意思吼?我一直在想,躺在沙漠的星空下,有心愛的人和億萬顆星星陪伴入眠,是怎樣的感覺呢?Peaceful easy feeling... 嗯 倒是讓我想起巴哈的音樂。」


「哈哈,巴哈啊... 是我最『害怕』的音樂家!念小學的時候,音樂教室裡的巴哈畫像眼睛會動,多恐怖!現在想起來還餘悸尤存呢!不過說真的,我還蠻喜歡巴哈的作品,平靜安詳溫暖人心。古典音樂我聽的不算多,還是比較喜歡輕鬆的民謠跟英文老歌啦!」

「我也好喜歡民謠跟英文老歌ㄟ!Bob Dylan, Jim Croce, Eagles, Carpenters, Beatles, Stevie Wonder, Carole King, Don McLean, Eric Clapton, ... 嗯 數不完,太多了,滿載了我學生時代的美好回憶... 」

「你也喜歡 Bob Dylan 啊?他可是我最喜歡的民謠歌手喔!我從小就喜歡看人彈吉他,就連簡單的四大合弦、指尖在弦與弦之間移動的聲音,也能讓我陶醉個老半天。對了,我最近還發現,探戈真的很有味道喔!我找了些簡單的譜自己試著彈彈看,感覺很棒呢!」

「探戈喔!像卡門裡的 Habanera 那樣嗎?哇!這麼濃烈的曲風,我倒是比較少接觸ㄟ。不過我一直很喜歡 Albeniz 的探戈作品,不同於一般探戈舞曲的濃重,很輕快,很愉悅,聽起來像漫步在雲端喔!」

「真是太巧了!我這陣子練的就是 Albeniz 的探戈小品呢!漫步在雲端的感覺,應該也是種 peaceful easy feeling 吧?!」

「天哪~~~欸 你知道嗎,我覺得我們上輩子一定是 MFEO!」


「唉呀... 就是Made for Each Other 嘛... 你沒看過西雅圖夜未眠嗎?」

「喔呵呵呵~~~MFEO~~~對對對!我想起來了!哈哈... 可是,為什麼是上輩子?不是這輩子呢?」

「你想想,我們倆這輩子雖然每天相見,卻只能遠遠看著對方的影子,咫尺天涯。唉... 孽緣啊孽緣!」

「說的也是,這顆球真討厭,老是夾在我們中間!這樣吧,我想辦法挖個地道,直接通到你那兒去....等我... 一定要等我喔~~~」

~ 2003.11.22‧台北夜未眠‧左耳與右耳的對話 ~

I get this feeling I may know you as a lover and a friend
but this voice keeps whispering in my other ear
tells me, I may never see you again

SHUT UP!!!End of Conversation~~~ 」

2003.7.18,老歌手,攝於古巴中部小鎮 Trinidad

Peaceful Easy Feeling, by Eagles

I like the way your sparkling earrings lay against your skin,
it's so brown
and I wanna sleep with you in the desert tonight,
with a billion stars all around
'cause I got a peaceful easy feeling,
and I know you won't let me down
'cause I'm already standing on the ground

And I found out a long time ago
what a woman can do to your soul
Ah, but she can't take you
anyway you don't already know how to go
and I got a peaceful easy feeling,
and I know you won't let me down
'cause I'm already standing on the ground

I get this feeling I may know you as a lover and a friend
but this voice keeps whispering in my other ear,
tells me, I may never see you again
'cause I get a peaceful, easy feeling,
and I know you won't let me down
'cause I'm already standing on the ground
'cause I'm already standing........on the ground

Woo woo woo...

Woo woo woo...

Woo woo woo...

台長: 烏龜座女生
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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