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2008-08-02 19:47:26| 人氣206| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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這次的題目 不知道為什麼
很有感覺很快的寫出一篇 我覺得還不錯的

題目 :

Recently, events like Olympic Games and other international sporting occasions are essential in easing international tensions and releasing patrotic emotins in safe way.

Do you agree or disagree the above statement, please explain. Words limit 120.


In my opinion, I totally agree with the international sport is a safe way to ease the tensions between the country and country, and it’s also a prefect way to show our patriotic emotions. As people say; sports are divine and without politic, so when people put the most of them emotions to care about the representative of their own
country, they will forget the hostility them have. The other saying is countries still having the competition only by sport’s way.

No matter which saying is more reliable, each of them indicates that countries tensions get a way to release in temporary. Even though it works tentative and limited, but it does have some influences on instability of international situation. Hence, those evidences support my agreement and the depiction as well. Last but not least, there are many ways to liberate the tension of international, from world perspective, sport is the best one.

當然 單複數 時態 可能都有一點問題
甚至是詞彙用法不當 不過是在30分鐘內寫出來的 所以我已經很滿意了 (推進20ing)

不過 我似乎沒有著墨在 patrotic emotins 會不會扣分呢?!

台長: Edco
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