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2007-08-12 15:18:14| 人氣85| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

A Rainy Day

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Yesterday...My classmate told me that you canceled the plan about study abroad. I was very happy to hear that.
But when i asked you ,you told me that the information was not true.
I felt very upset....what a fucking joke that make i miss you again...again..
But you told me that you will come to school next week to see you classmate.....
I see the sun rise..
It means i can see you again?? Really? really...!
But why you just come back one day?
I want stay with you...I want...
I want give you my all...for hurting your mind so much...
I want to show you that you are the most important person in my mind..
You always on my mind....Always.....

I wish there will come one or two typhoons ...
That you will go to Australia later...
Maybe i can see you....
So...I can chat with you...

What a childish idea...
Final...i have to say good bye to you....
Good bye.......

台長: 小邱~^o^
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