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Shradh 2022

Describe Shradh

In the eyes of the younger generation who belong to the modern scientific age, the phrase "Shradh or Shraddha" (Special rites performed for the deceased ancestors) conjures up an inaccurate image, one of unscientific and pompous ritualistic activity.
This is due to a lack of formal education in Dharma (Righteousness), a disregard for spirituality, the influence of western society, and anti-Dharma organisations that continuously attack Hindu traditions and rituals with hateful criticism.
There is a way of thinking about shradh that is common in society. People with little confidence in ritualistic worship or shradh and a strong preference for social work have relatively unsophisticated beliefs.
They claim that rather than performing shradh for the pitars, they would like to aid schools or contribute food to the needy. Many of these individuals also actively act on their beliefs.
This is just as ridiculous as saying, "Instead of performing surgery to address a specific ailment, we will distribute food to the needy or assist schools."
After the shradh rites have been completed, pitars can advance to a higher subtle-region of existence because the spiritually strong mantras uttered during the ceremonies have the subtle power of giving propulsion to the pitars' subtle-bodies.
This exposes the absurdity of the aforementioned viewpoints.
As a result, the goal of this series of articles is to help those who hold onto this way of thinking see through their ignorance and blind faith and shift their perspective so that they might build a good and spiritual perspective on the holy shradh rites that are mandated by Hinduism.
According to Bharatiya tradition, we owe our parents and other close relatives certain tasks when they pass away in the same way that we serve them while they are still alive as part of upholding our Dharma.
Our chance to fulfil these obligations and make amends with the pitars is greatly enhanced by the shradh ceremonies.
The shradh rites must be performed in order for our parents, who raised us with the highest concern, to travel through death comfortably and painlessly and to achieve sadgati (Momentum for moving to the next higher region).
The meaning of the term "shradh," in context
1A. Origin and significance
Shraddha is the ancestor of the term "shradh" (Faith). Simply said, there is no way we could ever repay what our departed predecessors have done for us. Shradh refers to the rituals that are performed in their honour with unwavering faith.
Definition: 1 B
The following is the definition of shradh as it is stated in the Brahmapurana (a holy text and one of the Purans) chapter named "shradh":
देशे काले च पात्रे च श्रद्धया विधिना च यत् ।
पित, नुद्दिश्य विप्रेभ्यो दत्तं श्राद्धमुदाहृतम् ।।
Meaning: Shradh refers to the offerings (food, etc.) made to Brahmans acting as the pitars' representatives after announcing the place, time, and proper venue. These offers must be made with entire trust and accompanied by all ceremonies.
2. The past of the shradh rites
Sage Atri, the son of the god Brahma, was the first to introduce the shradh rites. The shradh procedures prescribed by the deity Brahma were described by Sage Atri to His descendent Nimi. They eventually developed into customary behaviours, or achars, which persist to this day.
The first person to carry out the shradh rites was 2 B. Manu. He is therefore referred to as the Shradh Deity.
2 C. Bharat went to see Shriram, Janaki, and Lakshman after they were exiled to the jungle and informed them about their father's passing. Shriram then conducted the shradh ceremonies for His deceased father. The Ramayana, a sacred text, makes reference to this.

台長: pallavi
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