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2004-12-29 10:37:56| 人氣70| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

2005 Birthday Wish for Rick

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Dear Rick,
I guess you are skiing and romping with your daughter! I can't help imaging what present she will make for you.

This is my second time to say happy birthday to you on this website (thanks for this website to give us chance).

I was 8 years old when I first to see you on “MacGyver”. MacGyver helped me to face many hard times and always by me side in happy hours. He supports me in trouble, problems seems all solved when I see his smile in my mind. No words can describe how I love you. I just wanna say thank you, you give people a lot somehow and we do love you.

And I just want to also tell you how glad to see Wylie sit on your shoulder. She is sooooo beautiful and sweet, just an angel of a kids who brings us love and happiness.

Wish everyone you love, everything you do and everyday in your life all fine. And wish you and Wylie will come to visit Taiwan one day, all of your fans in Taiwan will give you a very big hugs, we all miss you very much.

Kisses and love to you and little princess.



PS.圖為Rick,Wylie,取自RDA FOREVER網站:http://www.rda-forever.com/

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