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2009-09-28 21:37:54| 人氣59| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Apparently, sleep is the most important thing to my whole life now. However, I still got 2 lessons to go and it's killing me now. I spent 700 pounds which is 7000RMB in a month. This is the first time I spent so much money in UK which is not a good sign. Well, I have to spend 550 pounds on my laptops because it is broken. On the other hand, I spent 150 pounds on my little tiny cute turtle YOSHI, because I love it and he is my first pet!

 Life is just as normal as usual, nothing happen at all. Well, nothing special.

 Mr.Vicary said : "We're going to do our exam on Janurary which means I will be busy even I go back to shanghai to have my little chritsmas and New year clebration." Now, this year had changed a lots and its kinda of sucks. There is no way to judge that, but things just doesn't go really well though.

 Loads of money had been spent, british bird's shit on my head, terrible weather, shit conditions, difficult works, no sexy girls, no sex, no fun, tired and thirsty.

 Nearly 2.40pm now, I am going to have my double maths, and it's the last lesson in today. Sounds really good isn't it?

 Yes, apparently I have " DUTY ", it means I have to spend 45 minutes in a small prep room with 10 bloody kids and I need to check their duty and do the lights out.

  Such a lovely day

台長: = =


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