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when I came to Taiwan 當我來台灣時 I am a painter 我是個畫家 I search all the sepcial things 我一直在尋找各種特別的事物 I found the 布袋戲 終於我發現布袋戲 I found 三......(詳全文)
發表時間:2019-11-22 21:52 | 人氣:1971 | 回應:1
圖文: Stephen Lu 20190826 One of Japan's high school teacher who likes Taiwanese creative puppet show very much. 認識 Araragi Kazumi(蘭香津美)老師已多年,一直以為他就是位工筆畫家......(詳全文)
發表時間:2019-08-31 19:01 | 人氣:1911 | 回應:1

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