不想再多想? 但是那些話語間就多著一份刺耳的敵意。
單身無罪 君子自重
After the impact of Sex and the City, I couldn’t wonder is that a perfect ending equivalent with True Love ? However, I’m still puzzled about the real meaning of true love but it is found that some concepts are appealing to me as comprehensive ways !
(1) Are You Guy-centered ? Yep, are you always around guys ? Find yourself so irresistible of a wide variety of types ? OR, once meeting someone gets started, losing in touch with your friends !
(2) Love at First Sight or Just for Sex (一見終情,一見終性)
So far, there’s no figure to show either how many on-going couples after love at first sight or how many broken-up pairs ! But it could be a great sex that you fall in love without alarms and senses. But it also could be a nice guy for dating without sex.
(3) A Good Date :
People starts to spruce themselves up and wanna leave nice impressions and be sparkling at each time meet-up.On the contrary, it could be very overtense and seriously careful.
(4) Good Relationship
When it comes into relationship, we definitely begin to care for each other! Thus, Relatively Theory of Love (愛情相對論)comes out - How to keep it as much as fresh ? Wanna be yourself or compromising ?
(5) Love Credibility ?
How much do you trust someone ? How much do you love someone ?
On the process from knowing, dating, relationship, to ??? It comes to the end that marriage appears to be the final step ! Therefore, the whole thing has been based on mutual recognition, concessions, commitments, and trust ! In light of Ancient Chinese saying, marriage is destined to the fate. Once you believe the fate, it goes on and on . But it seems like we still can try and pursue by our personal efforts without fate, right ? Why not ?
Caste System ? 門當戶對重要嗎? At last, through all the steps, we couldn’t wonder that does it matter to be with someone from different levels ? Among the social classes, we’ve been initially classified into lower, working , middle, upper class. Nevertheless, the only key to crack the door is exception. People say that love brings u flying through the clouds, I guess that it means ! 时