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2006-11-26 16:39:20


Nov. 13, 2006 Early flight arrived at New Airport – Suvarnabhumi Airport。 (1) So-called largest one in Asia. (2) Functional – you always get help at information center +66(0)21321888, purchase ...

2006-09-30 16:58:24

台東與綠島 ( Taitung& Green Island )

那天陽光普照,輕風吹撫著回家路途上。 短暫別離似乎已慢慢無意地釋放出更多的好心情。 直到電話那頭傳來母親的哭泣聲,我的心拖著沉重難過事實要去面對老爸的病情。 全家目前只有我一個兒子在家,很多事情我得去...

2006-07-03 08:19:15

2006 幻詠香江 Lamma&Shenzhen (三)

愛原來很簡單,但是或多或少,我們愛自己勝過於他人! 心原本很單純,但是出出入入,我們框著自己防於他人! 情原本很浪漫,但是真真假假,我們學會現實看清他人! 聽著Asilah / Buddha Bar New York的旋律,原來...

2006-05-09 21:23:49

2006 幻詠港澳 HK&Macau (二)

April 30,2006 TPE – HKG (石塘嘴) Dinner at Chilly House at Westwood Mall. Which is the place I’m living with Nick. Great Thai Food. Labor’s Redemption at Renaissance Harbor View Hotel. SO much f...

2006-04-25 15:12:02

2006 幻詠香江 Hong Kong (一)

Recently, I did have too much clubbing. And the funny is I couldn’t believe myself turning to the list of drunks. Then the other night I found myself so space-out and spewed a bunch of Rum and Vodka....

2006-04-16 07:42:34

2006 發春 Spring Screams

I guess my mom’s comment was right about me. It’s always something happening on my job field which is I found it our staff make me sick. After a few months, been through their relentless and standof...

2006-03-26 06:50:07

企業新生活 Corporate Life

從新馬回來後,心情起浮不定,竟當上了兩個星期的partygoer! 對新工作期待很大,畢竟是個很大的直轉變,隔行如隔山,放棄補教的經營,轉向企業跑道。 終於在8/16 get accredited for international SOS, through all t...

2005-08-04 10:08:24

2005 新馬遊記 Itinerary

2005 年的4/7 ~ 5/20,經過了人生的大低潮,這段日子失眠不斷、生活作息混亂、身體狀況似乎也不是很好。 Arbitration 調解會的告一段落似乎也公告著一個新的開始! 5/31 (Tuesday) 再度造訪Singapore,晚上的樟...

2005-07-26 11:22:23

單身兼修身? Single Status ?

單身難道是一種侮辱? 通常感激朋友的邀約,覺得不再總是一個人落單。 但是那種情人自然的甜蜜卻讓人心如刀割。 不想再多想? 但是那些話語間就多著一份刺耳的敵意。 難道單身也有錯,單身就應該背負著一種無名的...

2005-03-15 00:39:11

浴火重生 My Rebirth

The year 2005 has just slipped halfway but it’s a big matter of year to me. Dwelling in this fantastic cyberworld has too much sweet and bitter memories. However, eventually, I’m still glad to mee...

2004-12-08 10:41:47

夜奔2005 ARE u user-friendly ?

My job status has been unstable lately along with a long way to work and going for lots of meetings. Somehow, i became a bit hesitated to do this SUPERVISING anymore. On another side,i really long for...

2004-09-22 01:01:47

新的方向 Cyber Sex + Solo Sex

((TO examine ur IQ index)) http://www.iqtest.dk/main.swf 6/26 Gay Charity Party was held with thousands of guys under a opening spotlight. It's so appreciating to be with Johnson for my first att...

2004-07-25 15:06:45

福至心靈Reading Report

這本書,是去年娜娜姐贈送給我,一直到現在才好不容易看完. 每當游泳過後, 掉入文字的世界,頭腦總是那麼的清晰,感覺與真理又進了一步. 心靈的門又再度打開迎接一位新的朋友 ! 可以這麼說的是, 在本書中, 每一篇的...

2004-07-09 21:39:33

戀戀泰國 Thailand Journey

((The First Day)) 原本以為可以搭乘泰航 不過我們這一團還是搭上華航的夜間班機 近快午夜到達曼谷機場 據導遊說 這機場將要變成國內機場 而曼谷會另闢一個新天地..... 也意味著這裡的商務和旅遊業蓬勃發展...

2004-06-06 01:38:50

創造生命價值 Life creates its own values

My previous week was really pushy , i set up a few interviews but in the end, seemed like the expected result depressed me. Somehow i’m thinking how to do well or cope with all kinds of situations wh...

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