◆ Happy Easter Blessings! ◆
Wishing a very Happy Easter to you.
May you find prosperity and happiness in life.
發表時間:2022-04-17 01:39 | 人氣:145 | 回應:0
200904a1.JPG200904a2.JPG200904a3.JPG200904a4.JPG200904a5.JPG◆DIY-小兔兔摺紙 ◆======================================◆DIY-Origami--Little Bunny ◆===============================......(詳全文)
發表時間:2020-09-04 22:22 | 人氣:1144 | 回應:1
發表時間:2019-04-24 00:37 | 人氣:298 | 回應:1
190422a1.JPG190422a2.JPG190422a3.JPG190422a4.JPG◆ 復活節快樂! ◆======================================================◆ Happy Easter ◆==========================================......(詳全文)
發表時間:2019-04-22 01:21 | 人氣:298 | 回應:1
190321a1.JPG◆ 春分‧滿月‧花朝節 ◆三月二十一日 (農曆二月十五日)這天春分~ 晝夜各半。又是滿月~ 超級月亮!春分加上超級月亮這樣的配對組合,哇!聽說下一回要等到2030年...所以,要繼續用......(詳全文)
發表時間:2019-03-22 01:39 | 人氣:256 | 回應:1
發表時間:2018-04-02 00:17 | 人氣:195 | 回應:2
發表時間:2017-04-16 22:59 | 人氣:259 | 回應:1
mahapn160327a.JPGmahapn160327b.JPG◆ Happy Easter! ◆Wishing you peace love, and happiness at Easter and always.==========================================================...(詳全文)
發表時間:2016-03-27 00:46 | 人氣:400 | 回應:2
Because of the loving mercies of our God, by which the dawn from heaven has come to us,To give light to those in dark places, and in the shade of death, so that our feet may be gui......(詳全文)
發表時間:2015-04-06 00:34 | 人氣:285 | 回應:2
◆ Easter Sunday-Traditional Music Concert ◆ Truly I say to you, If a seed of grain does not go into the earth and come to an end,it is still a seed and no more; but through......(詳全文)
發表時間:2015-04-05 01:23 | 人氣:171 | 回應:1
140420a1.JPG◆ Easter Day ◆You are always beside me.Let your love surround me.140420a2.JPG◆ Easter Day ◆The Easter egg & Rice dumpling were gifts sent from my classmate &......(詳全文)
發表時間:2014-04-21 00:17 | 人氣:178 | 回應:3
這是今年我拿到的彩蛋 以前是學姐那邊的教會送我的,那時我算是客人,所以我收到一些彩蛋。那邊的牧師要我們再轉送給其他人,讓復活節的意義,再跟別人分享。 今年我在自......(詳全文)
發表時間:2010-04-10 00:38 | 人氣:394 | 回應:5
發表時間:2010-04-06 01:37 | 人氣:644 | 回應:7
發表時間:2008-03-23 23:58 | 人氣:2242 | 回應:6