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... 你真的不知道,這到底是誰寫的? 是詩嗎?仔細閱讀了一番,字跡娟秀,而且押韻... 而且已經不止一封。當然你不會猜測是任何一個辦公室的助理。因為這工廠裡可沒一個女生有這能力寫英文詩送......(詳全文)
發表時間:2024-04-04 14:33 | 人氣:1723 | 回應:4
●DREAM What I am grateful is You stop by my humbles place Contained only you and me We did nothing Except love keeps emerging like a spring Yes, not even by a word We fel......(詳全文)
發表時間:2017-04-26 08:00 | 人氣:311 | 回應:3
【Thus】 Thus, the fire to burn out won’t hurts nobody,Thus, moon circulates on the regular track.Thus, the sea agitate not matter with woods,Thus, even the earthquake shoc......(詳全文)
發表時間:2008-06-15 21:27 | 人氣:1597 | 回應:6

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