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2015 MB影俱部傑出影片/演員第一季季選 MBFC S1 Outstanding Films/Acting

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《推拿》Blind Massage
《婚姻風暴》Force Majeure
史蒂夫卡瑞爾《暗黑冠軍路》Steve Carell in Foxcatcher
班奈迪克康柏拜區《模仿遊戲》Benedict Cumberbatch in The Imitation Game
安多瓦《親愛媽咪》Anne Dorval in Mommy
米高基頓《鳥人》Michael Keaton in Birdman or: (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
安東奧利維耶皮隆《親愛媽咪》Antoine-Olivier Pilon in Mommy
艾佛瑞德莫林納《愛,不散》Alfred Molina in Love is Strange
茱莉安摩爾《我想念我自己》Julianne Moore in Still Alice
艾德華諾頓《鳥人》Edward Norton in Birdman or: (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
J.K.西蒙斯《進擊的鼓手》J.K. Simmons in Whiplash
瑞絲薇斯朋《那時候,我只剩下勇敢》Reese Witherspoon in Wild
約翰李斯高《愛,不散》John Lithgow in Love is Strange
蘇珊克雷蒙《親愛媽咪》Suzanne Clément in Mommy
郭曉冬《推拿》Guo Xiao-dong in Blind Massage
馬克魯法洛《暗黑冠軍路》Mark Ruffalo in Foxcatcher
伊美黛史湯登《驕傲大聯盟》Imelda Staunton in Pride
艾瑪史東《鳥人》Emma Stone in Birdman or: (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
梅莉史翠普《魔法黑森林》Mertl Streep in Into the Woods
查寧塔圖《暗黑冠軍路》Channing Tatum in Foxcatcher

傑出影片 Outstanding Films:
《鳥人》Birdman: Or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
《模仿遊戲》The Imitation Game
《愛,不散》Love is Strange
《鴿子在樹枝上沉思》A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence
《蜂蜜之夏》The Wonders
《推拿》Blind Massage
《婚姻風暴》Force Majeure

特別提及 Special Mentions:
《超危險人物》Starred Up
《黃金時代》The Golden Era
《人命大富翁》Human Capital

傑出演員 Outstanding Acting:
史蒂夫卡瑞爾《暗黑冠軍路》Steve Carell in Foxcatcher
班奈迪克康柏拜區《模仿遊戲》Benedict Cumberbatch in The Imitation Game
安多瓦《親愛媽咪》Anne Dorval in Mommy
米高基頓《鳥人》Michael Keaton in Birdman: Or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
艾佛瑞德莫林納《愛,不散》Alfred Molina in Love is Strange
茱莉安摩爾《我想念我自己》Julianne Moore in Still Alice
艾德華諾頓《鳥人》Edward Norton in Birdman: Or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
安東奧利維耶皮隆《親愛媽咪》Antoine-Olivier Pilon in Mommy
J.K.西蒙斯《進擊的鼓手》J.K. Simmons in Whiplash
瑞絲薇斯朋《那時候,我只剩下勇敢》Reese Witherspoon in Wild

特別提及 Special Mentions:
約翰李斯高《愛,不散》John Lithgow in Love is Strange
蘇珊克雷蒙《親愛媽咪》Suzanne Clément in Mommy
郭曉冬《推拿》Guo Xiao-dong in Blind Massage
馬克魯法洛《暗黑冠軍路》Mark Ruffalo in Foxcatcher
伊美黛史湯登《驕傲大聯盟》Imelda Staunton in Pride
艾瑪史東《鳥人》Emma Stone in Birdman: Or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
梅莉史翠普《魔法黑森林》Mertl Streep in Into the Woods
查寧塔圖《暗黑冠軍路》Channing Tatum in Foxcatcher


台長: 喬治鎊

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