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【traveller's story】in Cesky Krumlov, CzechI love this place, this town, and Czech republic....(詳全文)
發表時間:2015-10-05 22:15 | 人氣:528 | 回應:0
【traveller's story】in Praha, Czechstudy notes. ...(詳全文)
發表時間:2015-08-23 21:26 | 人氣:579 | 回應:0
Russia: Railway station in St. Petersburg【traveller's story】in St. Petersburg, Russia.(в Санкт-Петербурге, России)That was a really HOT summer in Russia in ......(詳全文)
發表時間:2015-08-18 22:26 | 人氣:699 | 回應:0
【traveller's story】in Praha, CzechI love the moments when I was reading in the National Library. ...(詳全文)
發表時間:2015-08-16 18:03 | 人氣:678 | 回應:0
【traveller's story】in Praha, Czech Republic. 2010The dancing house(Tančící dům) is dancing in Praha. 跳舞的房子在布拉格舞動著。 ...(詳全文)
發表時間:2015-08-03 23:21 | 人氣:352 | 回應:0
【traveller's story】in Lisboa, Portugal 2011Face the ocean, feel the sunshine, breathe Lisboa.Travel the old town, draw Portugal.Miss ocean, miss traveling, miss Europe, miss!!經歷......(詳全文)
發表時間:2015-08-02 22:57 | 人氣:390 | 回應:0
【traveller's story】in Barcelona, Spain.2011Casa Milà米拉之家在巴塞隆納可以見到許多由著名的建築大師─安東尼‧高第所設計的現代主義建築。米拉之家位在格拉西亞街上,已被列入世界......(詳全文)
發表時間:2015-07-25 23:03 | 人氣:462 | 回應:0
【traveller's story】in Brussels, Belgium. 2011Atomium.原子球塔非常壯觀的建築物,是1958年比利時布魯塞爾舉辦世界博覽會建造的金屬結構紀念性建築物,高102公尺,共有9個直徑18公尺的球體,......(詳全文)
發表時間:2015-07-24 22:41 | 人氣:724 | 回應:0
【traveller's story】in Dublin, Ireland.2011My dear brothers from HK and France, fat pang & Aziz.we've had a good time in Dublin.enjoy our adventures of life....(詳全文)
發表時間:2015-07-24 22:08 | 人氣:431 | 回應:0
【traveller's story】in Hamberg, Germanymy seat.我在我的位置上,看著流動的世界我喝著我的咖啡,一路從哥本哈根乘車下漢堡隨著火車登船,走出車廂,走到甲板上迎著海風,海鷗逆風飛行,繼續......(詳全文)
發表時間:2015-07-10 19:40 | 人氣:592 | 回應:0
【traveller's story】in Brussels, Belgium. 2011take a break....(詳全文)
發表時間:2015-06-28 22:19 | 人氣:400 | 回應:0
【traveller's story】in Sofia, Bulgaria. 24 Jun. 2011after travelled one month I arrived in Sofia in 2011, I transferred different buses with a Russia opera singer to the outskirts......(詳全文)
發表時間:2015-06-24 22:27 | 人氣:365 | 回應:0
【traveller's story】in Sofia, Bulgaria. 24 Jun. 2011The National Palace of Culture (in Bulgarian as НДК, NDK), located in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, is the largest multi f......(詳全文)
發表時間:2015-06-24 21:45 | 人氣:400 | 回應:0
Pitt in the square in Budejovice.Pitt and  Beer.message to 예린.(spell the wrong wordQ_Q)we can do it ^^【traveller's story】in Budejovice, Czech.One day trip to Budejovice wi......(詳全文)
發表時間:2015-06-07 21:59 | 人氣:624 | 回應:0
【traveller's story】in Bucharest,Romania.A sunny day with cloud and blue sky :)經過一個大公園,走到布加勒斯特的郊區,堤岸邊整齊的公寓,安靜無聲。坐在堤防上,底下有幾個年輕的羅馬尼......(詳全文)
發表時間:2015-05-28 22:51 | 人氣:380 | 回應:0

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