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〈淺嚐塔林〉2021-01-30   從里加(Riga)搭乘巴士,經過了四個半小時左右的車程,總算抵達愛沙尼亞(Eesti)的首都─塔林(Tallinn)。旅行的腳步前進到波羅地海三小國最北的國家,藉此機會一探......(詳全文)
發表時間:2021-09-12 22:36 | 人氣:2465 | 回應:0
2011 travelLatvia: Sunsetenjoy sunset in Riga...:) ...(詳全文)
發表時間:2015-03-22 22:17 | 人氣:691 | 回應:0
Latvia: Riga marketsitting near the river and sketched central market for a while, blue sky and seagulls!! feel free in this beautiful Baltic country. 漫步在拉脫維亞首都-里加的......(詳全文)
發表時間:2014-08-27 22:45 | 人氣:335 | 回應:0
world sky 009the sunset in Riga, Latvia. 里加,融化了黃昏的色彩夕陽在橋的那一端,靜靜絕美的結束一天的旅程in Tallinn, Estonia.從教堂禮拜活動後走出,塔林的藍天白雲,深不可測...(詳全文)
發表時間:2014-05-23 22:21 | 人氣:565 | 回應:0
world sky 008in Riga, Latvia. 一路向北前行,離開維爾紐斯,一片綠地一片灰雲美麗的里加舊城,巨大的雲朵凝出了淚珠,遠方升起一道彩虹跨越里加。稍縱即逝的美麗,你是否與他相遇里加的河......(詳全文)
發表時間:2014-05-23 21:53 | 人氣:316 | 回應:0
2011尋羊冒險記*travels in Riga 004I saw our national flag in Riga.I met a young couple from UK, we took the same bus from Warszawa to Vilnius, we stayed in the same hostel in Rig......(詳全文)
發表時間:2013-08-21 17:26 | 人氣:35 | 回應:0
2011尋羊冒險記*travels in Riga 003beautiful sunset in Riga. I met some interesting people here....(詳全文)
發表時間:2013-08-21 17:12 | 人氣:71 | 回應:0
 2011尋羊冒險記*travels in Riga 002it's a really beautiful old city! I spent more time to sketch this  city. it also sell KBAC in traditional market. I saw the rainbow in......(詳全文)
發表時間:2013-08-21 15:59 | 人氣:134 | 回應:0
2011尋羊冒險記*travels in Riga 001I stay near the old town in beautiful city - Riga, the capital of Latvia....(詳全文)
發表時間:2013-08-21 15:29 | 人氣:19 | 回應:0

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