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【限時商品】Hauck -人儿童推- Roadster Duo SLX 2018熱門產品網路熱銷產品

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Hauck Roadster Duo SLX 2019

Twice the luck, twice the safety, twice the comfort and twice the fun - all this is offered by the Hauck Roadster Duo SLX.

No matter if you use this chic and trendy chap as a buggy for twins or siblings, the Hauck Roadster Duo SLX accompanies you right from birth.

When combined with the 2 in 1 Carrycots (sold separately) you can transform the Roadster into a cosy stroller. The backrests can be adjusted separately into full reclining positions. The footrests and the canopies adjust independently from each other as well and adapt to the size of your children.

You think that's all? There is much more to the Roadster Duo SLX: Due to a central unlocking mechanism you can fold the Roadster within second with only a few clicks. The buggy's lockable swivel front wheels rotate 360° and contribute to the SLX's manoeuvrability even with two kids on board. When traveling on rough surface the suspension specifically designed for two children, levels out any irregularities. Some extra safety is provided by five-point belts with shoulder pads as well as safety bars. If you need to stop your strolls through town or country, simply lock the parking brake that works on both sides. Large shopping baskets offer enough space to store baby essentials or toys.

The Hauck Roadster Duo SLX turns out to be the perfect buggy for twins and siblings since both of your little ones can sit next to each other and thus can communicate with their brother or sister while discovering the world around.


  • Buggy is suitable right from birth up to a weight of 15 kg

  • One-hand folding mechanism integrated in the push bar for folding buggy to a compact size

  • Parking brake on both sides

  • Five-point harness with shoulder pad

  • Lockable swivel front wheels (rotating 360°)

  • Rear wheels: single wheels

  • Plastic wheels are easy to install

  • Comfortable suspension

  • Detachable safety bar

  • Removable cover, wipeable

  • Canopies can be removed separately

  • Outer material: 100% polyesters; filling: 100% polyesters-fleece

  • Large, spacious shopping baskets

Technical characteristics:

  • Size open (max.): L 92 x W 76 x H 111 cm

  • Size closed (min.): L 89 x W 76 x D 42 cm

  • Weight: 13,9 kg

  • Seat depth: 20 cm

  • Length of backrest: 45 cm

  • Lying surface: 79 cm

  • Seat width: 31 cm

  • Diameter of wheels: front wheel: 23,5 cm; rear wheel: 28 cm

  • Backrest can be adjusted separately by the use of a strap: reclining position: 156°; sitting position: 105°

  • 3-fold adjustable footrest

  • Height of push bar: 101 cm




Hauck ?人儿童推? Roadster Duo SLX





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Hauck ?人儿童推? Roadster Duo SLX

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部落客推薦, Hauck ?人儿童推? 2018熱門產品網路熱銷產品Roadster Duo SLX

好用嗎?, Hauck ?人儿童推? Roadster Duo SLX


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