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2006-10-01 00:34:05| 人氣43| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

106 Gardener

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Today go to Nike Central New Shop with Amy ~~
What da fuck !!!!!!!
It’s fucking SMALL ~~~
And the 106 gardeners can just lean on the wall and not like an exhibition......Nike is bull shit !!!!!
It will be much much much better if the exhibition can be held in Michael Lau his own studio or Art Centre....I can still remember the first time I visit Art Center and wait ouside the theatre and queue up to enter and can look at the 99 gardener at Form 6 !!!!! What the fuck I did not have enough money to buy the poster and tatoo 6" figure....what i bought is a LMF CD plus asking Michael to sign on it...hahahahaha ~~~~~I even went there twice !!!!

Nike shop just won’t let you fill relax or a place that you can see all details and admire Michael’s great work.....I hate NIKE ....>.<

then go shopping at Pacific Place....so tired...and Zara is too great !!! I want to buy clothes ar...but no money....really no money....even not go to play tonite ~~

stay at home on Sat night for 2 weeks already...wow.....

seems getting tired and seems will get ill soon. my bone seems so painful....and eyes can’ open la...dun get ill please....many orders to follow...bull shit

台長: 王大可
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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