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NMB Offers Expertise in the Design of Mechanical Bearing

NMB Technologies Corporation, A Minebea Group Company, wants you, the design engineer, to take full advantage of the company’s Needle Roller Bearing expertise to innovate in the design and manufacturing of precision mechanical bearing assemblies.


What do your mechanical bearing assembly requirements look like?”, asks Cathie Anderson, product manager for NMB's precision mechanical assemblies. “If you are a design engineer in the medical, automotive or industrial markets, you already understand that these requirements involve increasingly small spaces to design your product, a constant requirement to meet critical tolerances, and the strictest quality expected for the success of your design. Moreover, especially in our current economic climate, time to market and first out success are critical.” She continues, “This is where NMB comes in. We eliminate the risk to the OEM by partnering with them very early in the design process. The quality and reliability of our products is already built in. Through our expertise in precision component design and manufacturing, we can also help to improve your time to market, by applying our experience to help optimize your development cycle times. The success of your mechanical bearing assembly design is assured by taking full advantage of our expertise.”


NMB local application engineers work directly with the OEM to facilitate the design of the next generation mechanical bearing assemblies, eliminating the risk, and possible costs of an assembly that is not properly constructed, well fitted or aligned to the OEM’s design requirements.

From concept, to design and delivery, NMB‘s mechanical Thrust Bearing assemblies are high precision, custom products, manufactured to the highest standards of quality, cost effectiveness and reliability.

Contact NMB’s mechanical assemblies design team now to start the design process on your next generation mechanical bearing assembly.


About NMB Technologies Corporation - NMB Technologies Corporation, a Minebea Group Company, is the world’s largest manufacturer of miniature precision ball bearings and a volume leader in the design and manufacturing of precision electro-mechanical components, including cooling fans and blowers, precision small motors and mechanical bearing assemblies. NMB products can be found in the personal computing, networking, telecommunications, home entertainment, home electronics, and automotive, medical and industrial markets.

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