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   98.04.14                                                             新臺灣電子報


   拜訪過程中,指揮官江上校首先代表後備司令部司令陳中將表達關懷之意,另也表達本部對轄內備役將領主動提供必要的協助,交談中備役將領馮中將談到人生中必須結交的三大好友為1.音樂 2.運動 3.閱讀,勉勵我們務必多親近這三大好友,人生才會活得健康又快樂,另也將其本身領導部隊的經驗,勉勵各級幹部在管理部隊應做到五到:分別是心到:做好事前的規劃;口到:對各項工作要多協調,對各項命令要多宣導;眼到:對各項工作要勤督導;腳到:要勤走部隊各角落;手到:要親力親為、多指導。



台長: 陳耀祥
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JK Chen (陳進崑)
Dear 記者陳耀祥先生 or Anyone who can help:

I read your report “南市後備指揮部指揮官江弘達上校拜訪本市備役將領馮滇生中將,” dated on April 14, 2009. I was first interested in the name of 馮滇生 and then was shocked by the picture and your report. I strongly believe that this 馮滇生中將 should be my 連長 in 1973 when I served in the Army Missile Group in Taiwan. I indeed have been looking for 馮滇生連長 for a long long time.

Please forgive me that I have no tools to type Chinese. My name is 陳進崑. I am a professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Missouri, Missouri, U.S.A. I’ll go back to Taiwan this winter break for two weeks. I’d greatly appreciate if you can contact 馮中將 for me and pass my message on to him that I’d like to visit him.

Following is my contact information:

J.K. Chen, Ph.D.
William and Nancy Thompson Professor
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211
Phone: (573) 882-8159
Email: ChenJnK@missouri.edu

Look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you very much for your kind help in advance.

JK Chen
2011-11-27 04:42:09
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