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「每日一道」人生是一個過程,它的開端和結束都不神祕,神祕的是這場人世間的旅行。只問耕耘,不問結果,人生的意義就在於整個過程中,並不存在一個終極的目的。如何讓過程更有意義?有句話這樣說:“你最適合站在哪裡,你就應該努力站在哪裡。”每個人的一生,想做的事情都很多,可真正能做的並能做好的其實很少。與其博而泛,不如精而專。我們做一件事,不是為了功利性地從結果出發,而是從心出發,從過程出發。享受過程,至於結果,真的就是自然而然發生的事情。千萬不要本末倒置。把自己活成一道光,因爲你不知道,誰會藉着你的光,走出了黑暗。請保持心中的善良,因爲你不知道,誰會藉着你的善良,走出了絕望。請保持你心中的信仰,因爲你不知道誰會藉着你的信仰,走出了迷茫。請相信自己的力量,因爲你不知道,誰會因爲相信你,開始相信了自己…用生命影響生命,用人格引領人格,用智慧點亮智慧。🍀🍁🌾 秋風見涼,夜也變長!換季之時,注意健康,早晚低溫,小心着涼,保重身體,快樂吉祥!🌹

Mom's daily one, Indeed, we are heading too much direction, you are one person and you are not superman or superwoman. You need to be a subject matter expert on something you believe in. I thank my husband forced me to learn so much about government marketing so now I can call myself as subject matter expert in government contracting. I also consult my small business clients and teach the class. If not because those sleepless night hardwork, I won't be able to become subject matter expert. Within 5 years I have to self-learning through different resources as now we are certified with 8 states and may add more later. Even though we do not work directly with government but all of my clients work directly with either civic or defense agencies. It is a long term planning as each puzzle need to put in later. Find my other team member also subject matter expert. Certainly need time to build relationship. The world today no matter where you go there is always relationship you need to try to build first.
As we aging we also smarter but we may forgot that we lost the innocent for better with the world. We are going back and forth about that. Fall is season for us to think about Harvest and re-evaluate your work and your life too. Wish you have a great Wednesday.

台長: 夏寒
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