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2009-08-08 02:32:07| 人氣172| 回應0 | 上一篇

Gli uomini non possono smettere di migliorarsi…

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During the dinner, the sudden sorrow hit you so badly, you look up, looking around, start thinking, almost your truly friends are all going out of Taiwan, you just said goodbye to your Italian friends, now you come back you have to farewell your lovely friends, especially those ones you already know for more then 10 years!! Why is that, then you think about the theory “Non smettere di migliorarsi “ you have to improve yourself and always do! Then you realize no matter where you are, you will still keep in touch those important ones, once you feel like you went to Italy and leave them all here , like betrayed them, now you know it’s not like that, if you go somewhere else and get good chance having good life, they will all happy for you, so again, you have to put yourself out!!!

台長: tizi
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