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2002-05-06 15:34:42| 人氣95| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Wake up in the paradise

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Sun down, Task off
Urban creatures, heading back to cage

Lights on, Night time
Benjamin’s filling up the desire

No place to run, No place to hide
It don’t matter how hard I try
I was tied up like a kite

No-where is where I go
Vision blocked is what I saw

Inhaling the nicotine
Pumping to my adrenaline
All I need is a drink
And you know what I mean

Pour up the bottle in my hand
Reaching to the helpless end
Drag me outta this world of fame

My faith will fade,
It’s too much to take
Dazing up to the blurry haze

(Open my eyes)
Wake up in the Paradise
Don’t have to be frighten
Wake up in the Paradise
This is where I realize
Don’t have to be terrified
No need to be a parasite

Welcome to the paradise

台長: Lucifer
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全站分類: 社會萬象(時事、政論、公益、八卦、社會、宗教、超自然)

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