美國鄉村女歌手Tanya Tucker於1972 ( 時年13歲 ) 即以一首《Delta Down》打入鄉村榜第6名,而開始其闖蕩歌壇的生涯。迄今有40首入榜前10名的單曲 ( 其中包含有10首冠軍曲 ),也獲得鄉村歌曲相關獎項9座,自1973─1994共被提名10次葛萊美獎,唯均未獲獎。
Tanya Tucker之前的羅曼史也相當地精彩,入列的男士一籮筐,不乏知名的藝人 ( 以下資料摘寫自Famousfix網站 ):

Don Johnson
演員。Tanya Tucker is dating Don Johnson. They started dating in 1978.

Glen Campbell
歌星。Glen Campbell was dating Tanya Tucker. They started dating in 1979 and split up in 1981 after dating for 2 years.

Andy Gibb
歌星。 ( Bee Gees樂團家族中最小的弟弟,1988年歿,30歲。) Andy Gibb was dating Tanya Tucker. They started dating in 1982.

Clint Eastwood ( 克林伊斯威特 )
演員、導演。Tanya Tucker was rumored to have hooked up with Clint Eastwood. They allegedly hooked up in 1982.

Merle Haggard
鄉村歌星。Merle Haggard is dating Tanya Tucker. They started dating in 1982. ( April 6, 2016逝世,享年79 )

Ben Reed
演員 ( 最近主演過《美國狙擊手》)。Ben Reed was dating Tanya Tucker. They started dating in 1987 and split up in 1993 after dating for 6 years. They had 2 children: Presley Tanita, their eldest daughter, is 26 years old; and Beau Grayson, their youngest son, is 24 years old.

Jerry Laster
鄉村歌曲作家、製作人。Jerry Laseter was engaged to Tanya Tucker. They started dating in 1994. They got engaged in 1997. After 5 years together they split up in 1999. They had 1 child, Layla Lacosta, their daughter, is 16 years old.
Tanya Tucker曾因酗酒及嗑藥,歌唱事業一度陷入低潮,1984至1985這兩年,甚至無一首入榜歌曲。1986重新振作站回舞台,此首《Love Me Like You Used To》是她復出後第二張同名專輯 ( 1987 ) 的主打歌曲,意外的是,這張專輯有另兩首冠軍曲,主打歌卻只得到第2名。
此曲原為Johnny Cash 1985專輯《Rainbow》中的歌曲,顯然Tanya Tucker的翻唱成績已超越原唱多多。以下所貼為所謂的情境影音,拍得很不錯,男主角被狠K了幾下,仍鍥而不捨。愛情真偉大!呵呵!
In a cozy little restaurant for lovers
It seems so out of place for you and me
We used to play around, under the covers
But now it's just a place to watch TV
So love me like you used to
When our love was brand new
And, darlin', when we're through
You can love me again
And hold me like you want to
Instead of like you have to
Love me like you used to love me
When you used to love me
Baby, we could use a long vacation
But the trouble here is bound to tag along
We used to be each other's inspiration
When it only took my touch to turn you on
So love me like you used to
When our love was brand new
And darlin', when we're through
You can love me again
And hold me like you want to
Instead of like you have to
Love me like you used to love me
When you used to love me
Well, we used to sit and talk about forever
But now we hardly ever talk at all
We walked a lot of tightropes together
We always caught each other when we'd fall
So love me like you used to
When our love was brand new
And darlin', when we're through
You can love me again
And hold me like you want to
Instead of like you have to
Love me like you used to love me
When you used to love me
Love me like you used to
When you used to love me