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2009-10-30 04:48:24| 人氣893| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Expressive Portrait (5) 馬靴女模

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Today's model is so tall and so slender, maybe taller than 林志玲!

She dyed her hair red and her eyebrows green,

and she was in black clothes and shoots...

I like her shoots, so I spent thirty minutes sketching her whole

body and then started painting in watercolor...

After I finished, there was still thirty minutes

before the end of the class, so I added some

mountain colors which I caught in New Mexico these days...


台長: 長小魚
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全站分類: 藝術設計(手創、設計、室內空間、裝潢) | 個人分類: Expressive Portrait (人像畫) |
此分類下一篇:Expressive Portrait(6) 肌肉男
此分類上一篇:Expressive Portrait (4) 黑捲短髮小姐

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