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2007-07-24 00:38:36

20070723 Sick

It’s so bad to get sick here. But I eat medicine on time and drink a lot of water. I feel better now,don’t worry about me.:) Tomorrow morning, I will go to Heathrow airport to meet scout fr...

2007-07-23 06:59:58

20070722 Kaite’s flat

I mentioned Katie’s house before. Today, I was looking at the sunset while I was eating my Chinese dinner.(Noodle with mushrooms, Chinese tea) It’s a luxury time I think.The sunset was really ...

2007-07-23 06:50:13

20070722 The British Museum

I’ve heard a lot of The British Museum. Today,I went to there finally. I made one of my dream come ture~:) Katie needs to work. That’s ok, I travelled alone. In England,only myself.It was a t...

2007-07-22 02:01:54

20070721 London

Today, I left Keith, Shirley and Maxi(the black cat). I came to London to take a visit to Katie. Her flat is a little far from Centre London,but it’s really peaceful and beautiful.It’s living room...

2007-07-19 21:37:27

20070719 Bicycle riding

They looked quite professional. Brighton is a good city for bicycle riding. At every weekend, I can see many people take a trip by bicycle. It’s nice.Brighton is really beautiful and peaceful ci...

2007-07-19 21:27:31

20070719 My friends in Brighton

I met many friends here. Most of them are younger than me.(17-19,under 20) To my surprise,I met two scouts here!!! One comes from Turkey, the other one is Japanese. TuGe comes from Turkey, she i...

2007-07-17 22:16:46

20070717 My regular life in Brighton

I live in Woodingdean which is a small village in Brighton. My home dad is Keith,and home mom is Shirley. They have no child, and they treat students really nice. Everyday, I need to go to langua...

2007-07-17 21:47:27

20070717 The 10th day

Time flies. In the past ten days,I took a trip to Startford upon Avon where is Shakespear’s hometown.It is a litte but beautiful town. I met a Franch girl on the bus,she is 16 years old.(so young...

2007-07-12 00:21:30

20070711 Brighton

Everything in here is fine. My host family don’t have computer,so it’s hard for me to know everything.The weather in here is cold. As for food, tomato is everywhere.No hot soup any more. I to...

2007-06-28 11:55:09


個位數倒數計時,好快,也好複雜。 行李該認真準備、心態也要調整好。 卻還是捨不得我的寶。 妳們等我回來,一起分享兩個月豐富充實的暑假。:)

2007-06-17 21:00:49
2007-06-16 12:27:59
2007-06-16 10:09:50

Brighton school

將要前往的Brighton school,還好離海夠近。 在每天通學途中能看著海,像是有妳陪著一樣,想念或許能不那麼劇烈。 但我想還是很難控制。 愈來愈近,要趕快把事情做完,把握在台灣的時光。 === Hello, every...

2007-06-10 14:23:41


終究,我無法如相片中那樣灑脫。 每當聊起要去英國的暑假,我知道這樣的生活很被羨慕,也知道爸媽一番苦心不能辜負,卻還是有陣心慌,安慰自己還早,短暫把感覺壓下。 直到日子逼近,察覺自己愈來愈焦慮,混雜很...

2007-06-05 07:07:26

Anguria Festa

Oggi e anguria festa di NTNU. 今天是校慶兼西瓜節。 應該到處都是西瓜吧!等等去學校說不定會看見盛況。 大學的第三個西瓜節,終於遇見妳了。 每天都醞釀著甜味,再帶有如西瓜般的淡淡香氣。 寶寶,西瓜情人...

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