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210417a1 210417a2 210417a3 ◆ 有時候 ◆   ======================================   ◆ Sometimes ◆   Sometimes things go up,  so......(詳全文)
發表時間:2021-04-17 23:36 | 人氣:402 | 回應:4
mahapn171114a1.JPG======================================◆ Shang's Spiritual Painting~ Sometime... ◆ Sometime...just need a break.Figure everything out、let go & move on.=====......(詳全文)
發表時間:2017-11-14 22:47 | 人氣:302 | 回應:1
mahapn170619.JPG◆ Sometimes ◆Sometimes, The frog want to be surrounded by friends.Sometimes, The frog like being alone.Enjoy the freedom & simple little moment....(詳全文)
發表時間:2017-06-19 21:06 | 人氣:171 | 回應:0

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