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2010-07-07 11:36:17| 人氣29| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Vincent in WJ @ China.

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right now i am at china.

and it's the time to update my blog.

working in factory is really hard to do for a long time.

that's why, many people pay a lot to hire someone to foreign country.

but i don't care about that.because i have a dream.

i want to earn money as soon as possible since my age will increase.


i tell me, one day two articles

one for blog one for news.

when you are at foreign country, you will discover you have much time to use.

don't waste it, go~~go~~go  Australia, i want to feel my life in there.

台長: Oo呆子oO


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