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【最便宜】BabyGO Child Car Seat ISO 360 本周限量商品優惠




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BabyGo Child Car Seat ISO 360 設計式樣: red · 2019

The BabyGO ISO 360 comes with built-in sun canopy and provides little travellers from birth up to about 4 years with a high level of comfort.

Group/ weight category:

  • Suitable for children from birth up to about 4 years

  • Group 0 + / l (up to 18 kg)

Corresponds to standard:

  • ECE R44 / 04

The highlight of this child car seat is its 360??°C rotation. Discover the benefits of this feature: you can turn the seat in the direction of the open door and put in your little one easily. The built-in 5-point harness provides maximum safety. Now the ISO 360 only needs to be turned in the direction of travel you have chosen or else the one that is most appropriate for your child and you are ready to go.

We recommend that you keep your child in a rearward-facing mode for as long as possible. In the event of an accident, the force of the impact is absorbed optimally over the back of the seat. The impact energy is distributed evenly over the head, the neck and the upper body. In a frontal impact, rear-facing child car seats offer the首選 best protection. This process is supported by the side impact protection and the belt pads. From a height of 76 cm, the rotating seat makes it possible to move on to a forward-facing mode.

If your trips take longer or take place overnight, you can adjust the seat's inclination in 5 different stages - that way, your little passenger can sleep in a more comfortable position. The built-in sun canopy does not only protect your child from sun, but also provides them with a protected feel-good area. The cuddly seat reducer is particularly suitable during the first weeks of life and ensures a perfect fit and maximum safety at the same time. The soft padded harness and the headrest can be adapted to the body size of your child in just a few steps - that way, the ISO 360 grows easily with your little one.

The extremely breathable cover which consists of Pongé is suitable for being machine washed.


  • Installation by using ISOFIX system

  • Rearward-facing mode: 0 - 13 kg, forward-facing mode: 9 - 18 kg

  • Seat can be rotated by 360°

  • Optimum side impact protection

  • Head pad

  • Including sun canopy

  • Including seat reducer and belt pad
  • 滿額免運

  • 5-point safety belt

  • Adjustable height of seat belt

  • Seat can be adjusted in 5 different inclination level

  • Highly breathable Pongé cover, washable

  • Dimensions: 63-78 x 48 x 45 cm

  • Weight: 9,6kg




BabyGO Child Car Seat ISO 360





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BabyGO Child Car Seat ISO 360

活動搶折扣, BabyGO Child Car S折價限量折扣eat ISO 360

活動搶優惠, BabyGO Child Car Seat ISO 360

限量優惠商品, BabyGO Child Car Seat ISO 360

限量折扣商刷卡限時購物優惠品, BabyGO Child Car Seat ISO 360

本周活動優惠中, BabyGO Child Car Seat ISO 360

本周活動折扣, BabyGO Child Car Seat ISO 360

本周最新優惠, BabyGO Child Car Seat ISO 360

本周最新折扣, BabyGO Child Car Seat ISO 360

本周限量商品優惠, BabyGO Child Car Seat 信用卡限時刷卡優惠ISO 360

本周限量商品折扣, BabyGO Child Car Seat ISO 360


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