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The World's Tallest Tin Soldier

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New Westminster was not about to be left aside in the pursuit of roadside

 attractions that seemed to grip BC in the late 20th century.

 In the autumn of 2000, the Simon Fraser Society for Community Living,

 a support organization for disabled children,

came up with the idea to raise awareness of child disabilities and

build community spirit.

Sheet Metal Workers and their employers were asked to help build

the world’s tallest tin soldier as part of a Christmas celebration hosted

by the SFSCL.

In 2002 the tin soldier received the official designation from the

Guinness Book of Records confirming it as the world’s largest at 3 stories high

. The tin soldier now stands permanent guard at the entrance to

the New Westminster Quay Public Market.

Read more: http://www.virtualtourist.com/travel/North_America/Canada/Province_of_British_Columbia/New_Westminster-906065/General_Tips-New_Westminster-TG-C-1.html#ixzz1yJPUOdFj

New Westminster Quay Public Market.


The World's Tallest  Tin Soldier

The World's Tallest  Tin Soldier

The World's Tallest  Tin Soldier

New Westminster Quay Public Market.

Art works on the wall in the ladies' restroom~

Art works on the wall in the ladies' restroom~

Art works on the wall in the ladies' restroom~


New Westminster Quay Public Market.

New Westminster Quay Public Market.

New Westminster Quay Public Market.

Tiny store at New Westminster Quay Public Market.


New Westminster Quay Public Market.

2012 06 16

台長: Momo~
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