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UBC REC~Day of the long boat~

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UBC REC~Day of the long boat~

UBC REC~Day of the long boat~

Yu Ting and I~ 

UBC REC~Day of the long boat~

Tech was hidded in my coat~ 

Vancouver’s low cost ocean access for small naturally powered water craft.
Jericho Sailing Centre Association
1300 Discovery St., Vancouver B.C., V6R 4L9.
604.224.4177 – Office

Summer Office Hours: 9.30am – 9pm Daily.

more info check at~


 Vancouver’s low cost ocean access for small naturally powered water craft.
Jericho Sailing Centre Association

Yu Ting's team~~~~~~~~~


Jericho beach~Vancouver West

2011 10 01  

台長: Momo~
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