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2008-12-14 18:38:01| 人氣108| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Oh Ken...

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To Bobby.

(I don't usually post lyrics, but this suits him so well.)


"I mean, he [Bobby] was the most shattered man I had ever seen in my life. He was virtually non-functioning. He would walk for hours by himself. . . . From time to time, he'd organize a touch football game. . . . But they were really vicious games. I mean it seemed to me the way he was getting his feelings out was in, you know, knocking people down. Somebody, in fact . . broke a leg during one of those games. I mean they were really, really tough." --Pierre Salinger, describing Bobby after the death of his brother JFK.


Mary Jane/ Alanis Morissette

What's the matter Mary Jane, you had a hard day
As you place the don't disturb sign on the door
You lost your place in line again, what a pity
You never seem to want to dance anymore

It's a long way down
On this roller coaster
The last chance streetcar
Went off the track
And you're on it

I hear you're counting sheep again Mary Jane
What's the point of trying to dream anymore
I hear you're losing weight again Mary Jane
Do you ever wonder who you're losing it for

Well it's full speed baby
In the wrong direction
There's a few more bruises
If that's the way
You insist on heading

Please be honest Mary Jane
Are you happy
Please don't censor your tears

You're the sweet crusader
And you're on your way
You're the last great innocent
And that's why I love you

So take this moment Mary Jane and be selfish
Worry not about the cars that go by
All that matters Mary Jane is your freedom
Keep warm my dear, keep dry

Tell me
Tell me
What's the matter Mary Jane...




台長: Mo (Jo Jo) Rill
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