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【熱銷產品】[美國直購] Wahl 8329 理髮器 理髮剪 Professional Essentials Combo - Taper 2000 Clipper & AC Trimmer-限時...


今天找到這樣商品[美國直購] Wahl 8329 理髮器 理髮剪 Professional Essentials Combo - Taper 2000 Clipper & AC Trimmer覺得還不錯







Product Details

Product Warranty: For warranty information about this product, please click here. [PDF]

Product Dimensions: 6.5 x 4 x 4 inches ; 1.5 pounds

Shipping Weight: 2.7 pounds

Product Description

From Wahl Professional’s commercial grade line of products, the Essentials Combo is intended for professional use only and is designed to deliver the sharp performance that experts demand. The Wahl Professional Essentials Combo combines two great haircare products in one package. The Taper 2000 Clipper and AC Trimmer are both lightweight, ergonomically designed, and powered by electromagnetic motors, making them capable of fading, blending, edging, and more! They’re the perfect choice for beginning barbers, stylists, and artists, and are sure to be staples in your shop. For your convenience, the Essentials Combo (#8329) comes with all accessories required for use. It includes 4 attachment combs for the Taper 2000 Clipper and oil, cleaning brush, instructions, and blade guards for both the Taper 2000 Clipper and the AC Trimmer. The Taper 2000 Clipper measures 6.25” long, weighs 1 lb., and features a 1045-100 blade. The AC Trimmer measures 6.25” long, weighs 9.3 oz., and features a 1046 blade. Each product includes an 8 foot professional-grade, chemical resistant power cord. Leo J. Wahl invented the first hand-held electric clipper back in 1919. He believed in necessary, reasonably priced products that enhanced the lives of everyone who used them. Today, all Wahl products embrace the principles of our founder. We offer reliable, value-priced devices and solutions that protect skin and hair while performing on all skin and hair types.




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6月PMI續跌連2月緊縮 NMI對未來感到不樂觀




漢光演習出事 F-16墜機飛官殉職

: 【台灣醒報記者台北報導】再傳戰機失事!漢光演習4日開始,海空軍全力出動演練。但空軍一架F-16戰機於下午1343時飛往基隆附近山區時忽然失聯。國防部稍晚證實是少校飛官—吳彥霆於北部空域執行訓練時失事,六軍團政戰主任謝明德晚間召開記者會表示,飛行員吳彥霆已不幸殉職。




空軍目前共有145架F-16A/B戰機在役。除了配屬嘉義的455聯隊、花蓮的401聯隊之外,在美國亞利桑納州的路克空軍基地(Luke AFB)也保留10架作為訓練之用。

目前空軍仍保留2架飛機在洛克希德馬丁原廠進行性能研改測試。未來首架原型完成所有測試後,空軍所有F-16 A/B戰機的改裝升級工程,全部都會在台改裝升級,由洛馬與漢翔公司合作進行,這也包括在美路克基地的戰機。

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