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The researchers then looked to see if the participants

Muscle mass and strength were higher among people who consumed the most protein, compared to those who consumed the least.People with the highest amounts of protein in their diets were eating about 1.01 ounces per pound) among those eating the least.Proteins are found in meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy, vegetables, grains and nuts.The results did not change based on peoples dietary patterns.People with higher overall protein intake had higher muscle mass and stronger quadriceps, the muscle in front of the thigh, said lead author Kelsey Mangano of the University of Massachusetts in Lowell.The researchers used data from 2,986 men and women, ages 19 to 72, who filled out questionnaires about their diets between 2002 and 2005.03 ounces per pound of body weight), compared to 0.

The researchers then looked to see if the participants dietary patterns were tied to their muscle mass, muscle strength and bone density.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day (or about 0. Protein is known to protect bone density, muscle mass and strength, but its been potato slicer factory Manufacturers unclear whether the protein must come from specific food sources, the researchers write in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Their diets fell into one of six patterns: fast food and full fat dairy, fish, red meat, chicken, low fat milk, and legumes.Diets high in protein from any source - animals or plants - may help keep muscles big and strong as people age, according to a new study.

A person getting a large amount of protein from red meat was benefiting as much as a person getting it from legumes.8 grams per kilogram (about 0. The Institute of Medicine recommends adults get about 0. That translates to about 56 grams (about 2 ounces) per day for a sedentary person who weighs 70 kg (about 154 pounds).Unlike past studies, the researchers found no links between dietary protein consumption and bone density, although they did find that dietary protein was tied to muscle mass and strength..8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight each day.For example, do people who get their proteins from meat benefit more than people who get their proteins from non-animal food sources, or vice versa.Overall, about 82 percent of participants were getting the recommended daily amount of protein.

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