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2004-10-24 14:23:42| 人氣38| 回應0 | 上一篇

The Stairway

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www.amusic.swifthost.net/music_download.php?song_id=467 AUTOSTART=true HIDDEN=true loop="-1" width="1" height="1">
www.affirmationmusic.2ya.com" target="_blank">

Well, here I am,
Resting in the middle of the stairs,
Stroking gently the kitty in my lap.
Where does this stairs lead to,
I wonder, out from the yellow sparse wood.
Bald, the trees are getting day by day,
Answering the call of lonely autumn.
The leaves have gone with the wind
Like my heart has gone with you.
I will continue walking down the stairs,
Leaving the forest, bidding goodbye
To the leaves and autumn
Picking up the feline, knowing well
Spring will bring back the leaves
As you will bring home my heart
Down the stairs I put my feet on
Never intended I turn back.

台長: LuCy
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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