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2009-06-12 00:20:44| 人氣69| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

My Love Ones

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Gong gong, Popo, Da gu came to Havanna after the trip of Pulau Perhentian this evening. I have chance to get the pictures from Gonggong's camera. I will show you some gradually... since.... very sleepy now. You can check my Photo book also.

These are all taken in the same place, Feng Lai. You can see the pictures are nicely taken...because of the professional photographer - Chang Yeow's father in law! 逢莱仙境,这是其中一景吧。

What do you think we put these especially the first one in our power point on the day of celebration?
祖父母的恩爱, 是我们后辈值得学习的。

台長: lkhing
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此分類上一篇:He is 1 now!

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