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2008-05-12 20:46:17| 人氣76| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Rainy Day & Sunny Day

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Gavin DeGraw-Gavin DeGraw


5月6日-9日...好得閒ge日子...好舒服... 返學...放學... 返到屋企冇野做... 聽下音樂...上下網...

5月10-12日...5月10日...好累...下午係廳度訓著左...= =” 夜晚本來去睇戲...點知落雨~~
5月12日...訓到中午 = =” 下午去左打機...跟住又行左陣...



Gavin Degraw-We Belong Together

We belong together,
like the open seas and shores.
wedded by the planet force,
we’ve all been spoken for.

The hammer may strike,
be dead on the ground.
a nail to my hand,
a cross on his crown.
we’re done if, who we’re undone,
finished if who we are incomplete.
as one we are everything,
we are everything we need.

we belong together,
like the open seas and shores,
wedded by the planet force,
we’ve all been spoken for

What good is a life, with no one to share,
the light of the moon, the honor of a swear.
we can try to live the way in which you speak,
taste the milk of your mother earth’s love,
spread the word of consciences you see,
we are everything we need

We belong together,
like the open seas and shores.
wedded by the planet force,
we’ve all been spoken for.

All this indecision,
all this independent strength,
still, we’ve got our hearts on save,
we’ve got our hearts on safe.

someday when you’re lonley,
sometime after all this bliss,
somewhere lost in emptiness,
I hope you find this gift...
I hope you find this gift...
I hope you find this gift.

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18CJGlp5eiI

台長: Luis-24
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