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2007-06-23 00:32:03| 人氣97| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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who the fuck can tell me whats going on with me?
I become more and more impotent ,being confused deeply.
cant consentrate on everything maybe even books.
I’ve been thinking about what I’ve done but with no conclusion.
more and more guesses & worries keep badgering my mind and that I
cant even move out a square for whatever I want.
its been curel for me to ignore you.
I know that for assured.
trying to change but fail again and again.
it seems that there is nothing else but empty I have put in my brain.
maybe its pressure,
maybe its because lazy.
I dont know what to do.
I’m tired.
And I need rest.
a long long rest...
of course with you.

台長: 郭仔
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