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讀書心得 Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism (第6版)

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Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism (第6版)

前兩天在誠品書局看到這本 Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism (第6版),翻一翻目錄,覺得很心動!

但是我想Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism (第6momo折價券2015版) 在博客來網路書店上買應該會比較便宜,

也可以順便參考其他 Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism (第6版) 的讀者心得分享,以及推薦 Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism (第6版) 文章佳句!

Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism (第6版) 這本書真的太讚了,你一定要買回來看!!(讚啦......)




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This sixth edition offers a major revision that reflects current trends, including the increasing use of social media in the hospitality industry.

New To This Edition:
1.New coverage of social media shows how to use Facebook and Twitter to increase customer loyalty, build brand awareness, and reduce promotions costs.

2.New student review process involves end user in the development process and ensures each chapter is filled with examples that are current, relevant, clear.

3.New cases and examples highlight companies that students can relate to, such as Chipotle and Starbucks.


Philip Kotler

現職:Northwestern University

John T. Bowen

現職:University of Houston

James Makens

現職:Wake Forest University

Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism (第6版)


台長: 吳欣怡
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