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Journal Alerts - Tuesday 24 August 2004
From Global Family Doctor - Wonca Online

Go to http://www.globalfamilydoctor.com/JournalAlerts2004/Aug.htm#24 for today's alerts.
Once there, you can scroll for other alerts.

Support for this Alert has been provided as a service, in part, by ALTANA Pharma AG. www.altanapharma.com

Journal Watch
Two studies on the management of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in public locations NEJM
Venom immunotherapy in children leads to a significantly lower risk of systemic reaction to stings even 10 to 20 years after treatment is stopped NEJM
Alcohol drinking in middle age showed a U shaped relation with risk of mild cognitive impairment in old age BMJ
Pretreatment pain severity is the most important predicting factor for response to sumatriptan in migraine attacks: the lower baseline severity, the better Neurology
Eradication of H pylori is protective against progression of premalignant gastric lesions Gut
Multiple intervention reduced prescribing rates of antibiotics for respiratory tract symptoms while maintaining a high degree of satisfaction among patients BMJ

Clinical Reviews
Guidelines for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease BMJ
Major advances in bipolar disorder Med J Aust

Global Daily News
Breaking news from medical news services, posted each weekday.

Coming to the 2004 Wonca Conference in Orlando 13-17 October?

See Wonca Certificate of CME/CPD in Family Medicine

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