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Journal Alerts - Wednesday 21 July 2004
From Global Family Doctor - Wonca Online

Go to http://www.globalfamilydoctor.com/JournalAlerts2004/Jul.htm#21 for today's alerts.
Once there, you can scroll for other alerts.

Support for this Alert has been provided as a service, in part, by ALTANA Pharma AG. (www.altanapharma.com).

Journal Watch
Only a modestly increased risk of oesophageal cancer in patients with reflux who don't have Barrett's oesophagus Gut
Faecal occult blood screening for colorectal cancer is feasible in the UK's NHS and should lead to a reduction in cancer deaths BMJ
Multivitamins with iron ineffective in preventing iron deficiency or anemia in infants, but prevention and treatment of maternal anemia during pregnancy may prove to be important Pediatrics
Overweight children have an increased prevalence of iron deficiency Pediatrics
Psychological treatment combined with antidepressants gives higher improvement rate than drug treatment alone Arch Gen Psychiatry
Hospital admission significantly more likely among infants closely exposed to secondhand smoke Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med

Clinical Reviews
Threatened miscarriage: evaluation and management BMJ
Management of burn injuries of various depths BMJ

Global Daily News
Breaking news from medical news services, posted each weekday.

Coming to the 2004 Wonca Conference in Orlando 13-17 October?

See Wonca Certificate of CME/CPD in Family Medicine

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